5 °C|°F
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 94%
Wind: 12 mph
Mostly cloudy
The way the sun is right now, is the same way when I used to be with you. With the long shadows, and that kind of bright, soft light you get when the sun isn't quite setting. That's the light that makes everything better, everything prettier, and today, everything just seemed to be in that light.
And in a matter of minutes, that moment will fade. It will gradually melt with the ripples of the river, and the clouds would disperse like milk dissolving in my coffee. The memory of you will once again embark a journey in my soul. And I will lay you the brick road, I shall light its way. And when it finally reaches the summit, it will jump and fly and evaporate with the winds of my thoughts, and it shall fall like a torrential rain, back to the mortal world.
Memories and moments give us dimensions. Like the sharp edges of rocks, branches, thorns, envelope corners, experiences can cut through us like a blade on a butter. But on the other hand, we are also granted the ability to see beyond that reality. We can transgress that idea and turn it into something that would regenerate us. And simple things, they can remind us of that truth. Trees would shed their old bark, grass grows again under the snow, and birds, start migrating again.
I watched the day fade. And the last light of this particular Monday ebbed away like a temporary pain. I look at the clock and it's still ticking. We are moving on, today has been good.
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