13 °C|°F
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 58%
Wind: 7mph
Opening the window and just listening to the early morning sounds of the city: 10 minutes
Having a breakfast: 15 minutes.
Looking for a missing lighter: 3 minutes
Lighting a cigarette with a match stick (1st attempt) : 5 seconds
Lighting a cigarette with a match stick (2nd attempt) : 4 seconds
Finally lighting a cigarette with a match stick: 3 seconds
Thinking and wondering while finishing a cigarette: 5 minutes
Deciding whether to use shampoo or body wash for my hair: 30 seconds
Taking a cold shower due to a broken boiler: 16 minutes
Dressing up: 5 minutes
Looking for a missing Oyster Card: 3 minutes
Deciding whether to use brogues or boots: 30 seconds
Coat caught in a loose nail by the door: 6 seconds
Walking to the bus stop at Elgin Crescent: 1 minute and 35 seconds
Waiting for bus 452: due
Waiting for the next bus 452: 3 minutes
Second bus 452: NOT IN SERVICE
Waiting for the third bus 452: 4 minutes
And in that string of events, the minutes and seconds they led me to that very moment. Fate surprises. And chances are like rare stars which are sometimes hard to see in the night sky.
I'm in love with this city not because London is such a beautiful place. I guess I think, the reason is that this city is making me feel that it loves me too. That it can actually give a future for me. Sometimes it's the only thing that you need to know, if the feeling is mutual. Even in relationships, you tend to love even more if you feel that the other person is loving you back, or is holding on. Asking for signs can be sometimes ridiculous. Because you tend to see them even if they're not really there. You sometimes push your self mentally into over analysing things. But fate is different. It is a friend or a lover that surprises us, it's like the change in the wind that can remind us that seasons actually change or in my case this morning, fate could be a bus number 52.
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